Too Much Coffee ?

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, like everyone, I wonder if I did something wrong and what was it. Could it be too much coffee with heavy cream that I have been doing for the past 1 year because I wanted to change my diet to a no sugar , no carb diet ? Or could it be the heavy cream? I do drink a lot more coffee these days and wonder and sometimes blame myself for changing my diet. But when the lump on my breast grew, I was at my healthiest weight and my AIC for my Type 2 diabetes was as low as 5.2. So what could it be?

For the past 8 months, I have been reading, I have been researching, I’ve been talking to people who’ve survived breast cancer, who are in remission but I’ve yet to come up with a conclusion as to what it is that had caused my lump to grow so big suddenly and become painful.

But then it also dawn on me that I was in denial too, because before the lump grew bigger, I had noticed specks of blood from my nipples a couple of times and had ignored it. And then my lump was uncomfy and I had been upset with my kid one time because I sense something wasn’t quite right but had pushed it at the back of my mind because we were on Covid times and my doctor was in the city.

So could I have seen it coming and felt that it wasn’t that important and that the kid and not upsetting the spouse’s business were more important? Maybe and most likely since most women and mothers are very likely to make sacrifices like that. I often wonder if I acted more quickly, could I not have had a mastectomy ? The what ifs has been on my mind a lot of late, but there is no turning back to yesterday right? So therefore, i’m only gonna move forward and not think about it but making sure that I let all my doctors know if I find anything unusual from now on. I also learned that you’ve gotta take care of yourself because no one will as no one knows how you are feeling except yourself.

As for the too much coffee? I think everything in moderation is the right thing to do and also prevention is better than cure. So to my kid and all women out there , if you are reading it, please see a doctor as soon as you feel something ain’t right – trust your gut !