Yes ! Life happened ! And of course , we had a nasty virus on our blogs and websites that was encrypted into our blogs automatically and apparently the virus had been dormant till now. The script was in place a few years ago as far as we can see it and all of a sudden, it decided to create havoc in all of our blogs. The spouse took time to clean out all the blogs , and if you must know , I have more than a few blogs that I use for monetizing purpose. Yes , yes ! I make money thru’ blogging – bite me !
And of course, Chinese New Year came about and we had to co-ordinate the celebration with our Asian friends , plus Chloe had some health issues and a girlfriend had and online boyfriend issue that actually left me quite perturbed and lost of words. But lesson to be learned her , never , never play match – maker online or offline because you are caught in the middle of it and boyyy! you kenna shit for nothing. But you also get to see who your true friends are and who’ve got your back, so all in all , it was a good lesson learned. You would think at almost 51 years old , I would have seen it all and done it all and avoided it all right? But nope ! I guess one can be stupid still at 51.
Anyhow, my consolations are , the spouse, the kid and many of my friends had been very supportive throughout it all and I cannot ask for a better spouse , kid and friends . Like the saying goes, you can never lose a true friend, you just find out who are the ones who are not. And business continue to thrive and I was featured recently in a local article on Facebook – stoke ! And I managed to get a massage , my hair colored , manicure , pedicure and all kind of good stuff done to my body. I even got to play catch up with my girlfriends. But I learned how to take are of myself and my family first and always ask for help from your neighbors because I’ve got some awesome neighbors now.