Lower Prices ASAP

“Canadian retailers should lower prices ‘as soon as possible’: Flaherty”

Jim Flaherty is the Federal Finance Minister in Canada.. if you must know. There is currently large discrepancies between similar products just across the border. The government would not intervene, and can only encourage the retail industry to let the market work. And if the market works, prices should go down. So we are back to square one.. and big boys . .. like i said.. like SuxkkyMart and Zeller, plus Staples .. should match the prices of their HQ.. in the states. But as of today.. at all 3 big boys store.. nothing has changed. Lots of hot air again.. and nothing..!

We Are NOT a Charitable Organization..!!

Please shoot me..!! that’s what PB would MSN me.. when he is dealing with a “customer”.. who expects us to loan him/her money.. or who expects us to do a trade in of a one to one game .. without even batting an eyelid. Yes.. they told us a matter-of-factly.. that they wanted $40 for a used DS game.. and expects to be paid for it.. ??!!!??

Hello..!!! what about us..?? we run a business.. so that you can get all the money YOU want..?? we donch have to pay rent..?? we donch have to pay for heat and lights. Donch have to pay for employees..?? Donch have to pay for food..?? Donch have to pay for inventory..??

Folks cannot freaking understand.. that it is not that we donch have the money.. to loan them.. but we cannot be doing this for everyone.. and then go chasing after them for the money back..?? like we did for one “customer”. It’s horrid.. !!! these folks..!! we chinese say hor.. “bei ji tong” !!!

Dwight Performing At The Yarc

Woo hoo..!!! (being sarcastic), Canadian Idol finalist Dwight Deon is performing at the local art center in town..! D’Eon has two shows lined up on Nov. 8 and 9. Both shows are at 9 p.m. and tickets are $21 for all seats. A wee bit expensive.. but yes.. he needs to cover his travelling cost and all. I wonder why they didn’t get a sponsor to sponsor their accommodation and gas .. and what not.. ??

He did seems to have a good head on his shoulder till he mentioned about some grant ..?? from the government..?? You see the Canadians do love their grants and free money.. anywheres they can get it. Heck..! of course i know it’s hard to be a newbie.. but a grant…?? that doesn’t seems right.. as far as I am concern.

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Summer All Over Again

It was summer all over again.. for us yesterday. Freaky.. ?? very..! one day it can be so windy and freaking cold.. the next.. it’s nice and warm out like yesterday..when we stepped out to go to the store.

Oh.. donch get me wrong.. but i love it.. but it can be quite a damner.. when one minute you basked in the sunshine.. and the next you’ve gotta dress up.. like eskimos. Go figure..! this is Canada.. eh..?

How About Some Real Action..!

Once again.. on our pathetic local paper.. i see someone complaining about the new municipality building .. the councils.. are going ahead to build. Housing at the most 15 employees… with a fitness center.

The municipal council of course wasn’t listening..! they are all set.. to go ahead.. with or without anyone’s approval. They seems to think that they are GOD..!

Of course .. i AM FURIOUS..!! it is not I who will be paying for this building.. by my children’s children…!! now if that doesn’t get your FUMING.. !! then you are a FREAKING SAINT..!

So what are the Yarmouthian doing..?? I’m waiting to see..! and no.. i’m not a Yarmouthian..!! sorry..! never will be.. and never wanna be..!!

The Wonderful Youth Here

“Oct. 5, 8:12 p.m. – Zellers had three female youths in custody as a result of obtaining food by fraud. Subjects had eaten at the restaurant and left without paying. Patrol made, subjects given Protection of Property Act notices to stay away from the business for one year. “

Isn’t this terrible..?? It sure is..! a town only with a population of 8,000 and this to happen..?? Female youth .. meaning underage.. and since their name weren’t published .. we can be quite sure.. that they are definitely underage. So when you were a kid, have you even ever thought about eating and not paying up..?? even in a hawker center.. i’ve never in my youth.. thought of doing that..! what’s more, this is a restaurant. I’ll have the say .. the youth here.. are pretty the terror..! It’s seriously sad.. but the town.. donch wanna address this problem.. so what can you do.. right..??

The Apple Donch Fall Far From The Tree

My mother-in-law used to say this to me. And there is alot of truth in it. “The Apple really donch fall far from the Tree”.

Owning your own business, we get to hire alot of ppl to work for us. 8yrs in business..and you tell yourself .. you’ve actually seen it all eh..? Sometimes, you wonder why kids that you hire turns out to be the way they are.. and today.. a father of someone that we’ve hired a long time ago, came in and went on and on.. about how the daughter is doing so good .. blah.. blah.. blah.. and only works hard for “good” money.. and so forth and so forth. Now wonder the poor kid had such bad attitude.. when she was working for us, because ours is “small” money.

Another kid that we hired 8 yrs ago, continues to bad mouth us .. and recommends our competition to his “friends” because he didn’t get his way. Like his parents, they too stopped talking to us.. when their kid didn’t get what he wants. But you see .. our competition is able to do “stuff” for him.. because they were doing “stuff” that weren’t so correct. And we were unable to .. because we refused to break the law. So the ex-employee of us.. skunk us big time.. because we wouldn’t break the law..?? now that the competition is being charged.. so who is getting the last laugh.

Chatting At Grocery Store

I’m sure we all meet friends/enemies and wat nots.. in a grocery store more than anywheres else in the world. And so it was an afternoon of chats .. with a few women meeting up.. not planned . .while getting our groceries before the sun went down. And to my surprised.. not everyone knows about what is going on around town at all. Yup..! you heard me right..! right where we lived.. and some are not aware of our surroundings..??

How do one save a town.. when its ppl are not even made aware of what is going on..??

Gas Prices Continues To Go Up

“Prices at the gas pumps were 12.7 per cent higher than they were in September of last year. That was because of a sudden drop in gas prices a year ago rather than any increase between August and September, Statistics Canada said.

With gas prices going up again this year due to inflation, that would mean . .that we are going to have a very expensive winter too. If you are like us.. and owns a store.. or two… it is definitely gonna be a hard winter. So how do one survive..?? there is really no way to. How can a small business like ours.. compete with Walmart..?? no way..! heating the store will cost us a big fortune .. on top of everything. .we have to pay for power, internet.. inventory and phone bills, bill for the swiping machine.. bill to clean the glass windows, bill to garbage collector, bills to keep the inventory at a decent level and of course the rent and employees.

The People Has Spoken

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Yes.. the people has spoken.. ! 9 outta 10 person we spoke to at our store.. is not for the new municipality building .. but has the people been heard..?? Folks are writing to the local papers .. asking the town.. to re-consider and to set their priority right..! at least 4 letters has been published.. and i’m sure many more feels the same.. but not doing anything.

To me.. it’s a very sad situation here. There is nothing i can do.. nor it seems to .. for others here too.. because apparently even the tender for the new building was not an open one..?? I was shocked..! and appalled .. but that’s the understatement of the year. I am sure.. alot of ppl from this small town feels the same too.. shocked and appalled. But since I am not a citizen in Canada.. and my hopes are to go back to Asia with PB .. more now.. because of this situation here.. i am not saying a thing.