No to Americanada

We all know that the Canadians protest alot.. ! Not that ppl from other places donch..! but trust me.. the Canadians protest ALOT..!! especially about pay dispute..! Irregardless.. whether you are a nurse .. a doctor.. or even the immigration offices.. yes.. there are days.. where they would not go into work for days before they would come to a settlement.

So i wasn’t surprised at all.. when 500 protesters took part in a march outside the hotel, carrying signs with slogans such as “No to Americanada.” in Quebec when the three Amigos met. Who are the 3 amigos..?? TheCanadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, U.S. President Bush and Mexican President Felipe Calderon, here to discuss issues including border security and free trade.

“We’re going to protest where we want to protest” But it is their democratic rights..?? Fortunately, these ppl haven’t met our Singapore garmen eh..?? “Many protesters said they are concerned about Canada losing control of its energy, water resources and border as initiatives such as the SPP treaty increase and expand.”

So what happened..?? tear gas was used.. and so was pepper spray. Even if i was very passionate about something.. i donch think i would risked having pepper sprayed into my face, not because i’m afraid to die.. but is there a need..?? and will protesting like that really change anything..?? I doubt.. ! with the “leaders” all set out for their “secret” meeting.. we pretty much know.. that they already made up their mind. Like it or not.. they are gonna sign that treaty.

So let me ask you..?? will you be passionate enough .. to go out on the street and be a protester.. for a cause .. you so believe in..? What about your children at home… and your spouse… if you were hurled into the police station..??

Me..?? I’m a wuss..!