Cough & Cold Medication not for young children

Ok.. mummies and daddies, grammies and grampies out there.. listen up..!

DO NOT..! give your young children cough and cold medication as the products pose serious health risks.. US Health Officials said.

“children under the age of two should not use decongestants and those under age six should not be given antihistamine medicines.”

The FDA wants warning labels to be added to prescription and over-the-counter cough and cold medicines, cautioning parents about potential overdose risks for toddlers. So why is cough and cold medication relentlessly marketed when it’s not safe or effective? So what do one use.. if cough and cold medication is not safe..?? Doctors advised parents to give their children lots of fluids and wait out the course of the cold in place of giving children cold medicines. Children under two might suffer serious adverse side-effects if given cough and cold medicine.

Ok.. no more cough and cold medication for our Chloe..!