Customize Your Work Area

The basement of our house is pretty messy and plain. The workbench is just a counter top with a power bar screwed to it. It gets the job done, but a customize work bench from FormaSpace would be awesome and a great Christmas present for the man at home. Something that is wide enough for a computer and with a raised back shelf for the monitors, it would be so much easier to work with on those days where he has got a few things he wants to do at the same time.

2.5 Yrs Late Medical Clinic

This town is a joke.. ! but i’m sure you all know that already. On today’s local papers.. it said.. that the now defunct liquor store will have the medical clinic up and running by December. When the liquor store moved to Starrs Road, they said.. that it was going to be a “free” clinic .. because of the shortage of doctors, so having this clinic will allow those that does not already have a doctor get a chance to see one when necessary.

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Cardiac Arrest

Having older folks in the family, it is always good that one learn more and equipped yourself on what to do when certain medical issues arises. A quick and fast response or action can save lives for someone who might be having Cardiac Arrhythmia or what we call Cardiac Arrest. Since Cardiac Arrest happens so quickly, there is little chance of survival, if you don’t know what to do. But how does one prevent .. cardiac arrest..?? or are you at risk..?? check out inside cardiac arrest and read all about it, they have many useful information that might come in handy one day.

Pad Thai

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You know .. when you donch have the luxury of getting food at your whim and fancy .. you’ll take anything that is available.. and hope for the best. So here I am.. saw the Pad Thai in our local grocery store.. i pounced onto it.. and grabbed it. At 4.99 a bowl.. it wasn’t the real thing.. but it had to do for now. My consolation was at least.. it had lots of chicken.. even though it wasn’t spicy at all.

Letters From Santa

Making your kid or any kids feel special this Christmas is easy. Letters From Santa, is all about personalized letters that you can order and will be sent to your child. Offering many customizable options as well as offering a follow up postcard and door hanger, you can even pick the text to appear on the door hanger, if you go to their form you can find a list of all these options. If I were a kid.. I would be absolutely thrilled with a Letter from Santa.. won’t you..?

Creative Singing

Yes.. it is really funny to see that your child is so creative, so much so that I get so amused when i see her sing out a tune.. from nowhere.. and just belt out a song. Whether it is to make me laugh.. or just making fun of me.. or just with words that she picked up…. i still think it is pretty smart.

I didn’t get a chance to take a video .. which i should i know.. but she just started recently to sing make up songs. .from outta the blue. I find it really amusing.. because when i was a teenager.. i too like to play the guitar .. and try to make songs.. or write songs for the church and the youth group that i was in. It kinda makes me wonder .. if this is my genes..?? or is it just every kid..??

Baby Carrier

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While shopping for birthday gal’s Sarah’s present.. i spotted this baby carrier for the brat. Lately, she has been playing mummy alot.. so I thought i would buy her the carrier.. so she can put baby down to bed nicely instead of on the floor. Silly mummy eh..??

So mums out there.. are you this way too..?? buying stuff you know they donch really need.. yet .. you by it outta at your whim. ..??

Designer Sunglasses

I have a fetish for Sunglasses and just like every woman on earth, we like to have a wide variety of different kinds to choose from. Plus if the price is great, and affordable, then I would be willing to buy a few. I can’t go without them.. and need them to match with my clothings and shoes.

Ray Ban sunglasses were really popular at one time.. and everyone was wearing it. From my secretary right up to the boss’s wife. I myself, have been eyeing on a Gucci sunglasses and i’m just waiting to compare prices and making sure that i get the best deals before buying them. Afterall, why pay more when you don’t have to.

Of course there are more brands than Gucci and Ray Bands sunglasses, that you can choose from. The Prada’s ones are really nice and cool too..!