

Like any good parents, we noticed things as soon as it happens – just like when Chloe comes back from school with not one .. not two.. but several bruises every week. It almost seems like she gets new one.. even before she had time to fully recover from the last few bruises. Of course, many parents are gonna say.. kids do that… and i most certainly agree with you 100% but that does not mean.. that you let it go.. or ignore it. I never take things like that lightly .. because as a mom. .you have to stay on top of things all the time.

A check with Chloe.. she exclaimed she didn’t know when or where she bruised herself.. but she knew they were from school – i had no doubt about it. So i am taking a picture of the bruises.. and bringing them to the school.. to show her principal or teachers .. that way maybe, they will look out for Chloe more. What would you do..?? if you were I…?? donch forget i’m the helicopter mom… hahahhaa!!