

Like any good parents, we noticed things as soon as it happens – just like when Chloe comes back from school with not one .. not two.. but several bruises every week. It almost seems like she gets new one.. even before she had time to fully recover from the last few bruises. Of course, many parents are gonna say.. kids do that… and i most certainly agree with you 100% but that does not mean.. that you let it go.. or ignore it. I never take things like that lightly .. because as a mom. .you have to stay on top of things all the time.

A check with Chloe.. she exclaimed she didn’t know when or where she bruised herself.. but she knew they were from school – i had no doubt about it. So i am taking a picture of the bruises.. and bringing them to the school.. to show her principal or teachers .. that way maybe, they will look out for Chloe more. What would you do..?? if you were I…?? donch forget i’m the helicopter mom… hahahhaa!!

Don’t Tell Your Mom

As you all know.. i’m spending a lot more time with Chloe these days, well, truth be told even when we had a babysitter, she was pretty much with us in the store.. with her babysitter.. except for the few hours.. they leave for home twice a week. Or when we had errands to run – so we do encourage Chloe to tell us anything and everything.

So the other day, she came home from school.. and outta no where told us that one of the teacher’s aid told her that .. she doesn’t need to tell her mama everything.. and to go to them.. if she had any problems.. made me frown a little. Oh .. don’t get me wrong.. i’m sure.. the teacher’s aid meant well.. but you know .. Chloe is only a kid.. and they really have to explain .. what exactly, she doesn’t need to tell us.. and in what situation.

Kids at that age is very impressionable.. and i’m afraid.. that Chloe or some other kids.. who might have been told the same.. might end up not telling anyone about anything.. should they get bullied outta school.. or not within the school compound. Or worst.. if they were abused at school by a teacher.. are they not supposed to tell anyone..?? or tell on the teachers who abused them..?? like i said.. i don’t think they meant anything bad – but definition of such must be very, very clearly spell out for the kids.. because if my kid was abused in school – i would definitely want to know. I’m trying not to make a mountain outta a molehill, so i told Chloe and drilled it in her.. that i am her mama .. and i need to know everything.. because there is nothing wrong in telling her mama what happened in school or anywheres. There are a lot of bad ppl out there.. as long as they are not family .. you trust no one.

Raising Kids Who Makes Mistakes


I look at my Chloe everyday .. and hope that I’m doing the right thing with her .. and by her. What do i mean..?? when i see some of the kids around us .. i sometimes wonder what went wrong..?? One day, you see this sweet lil’ kid walk into your store.. and years later.. this kid comes in and sell you some stuff you are quite sure was stolen. His parent is a good woman.. hardworking .. and good. I don’t really know them well, but I know she had been a real trooper.. and gave him everything he needs. So what went wrong..??


Everybody makes mistakes.. and as a parent.. you can also expect your child NOT to be perfect.. but one can only hope not to raise a child to make STUPID mistakes. My heart becomes extremely heavy .. each time i come across a kid .. who smokes.. do weed.. or steal from their parents.. and try and sell them at our store. Worst are those parents who calls you up . . years later.. about their kid who stole from your store.. with no apology and demand that you take her kid’s picture off your website .. because he was caught on video stealing from you.


Chloe asked me the other day.. “mama, it’s not easy raising a kid eh?” i was shocked.. ! where did that come from..?? but yes.. i told her raising a kid is not difficult .. but raising a kid with good morals, honest, integrity .. and not make STUPID mistakes.. that’s the hard part. I watched my daughter everyday.. and enjoy all her funny faces.. quotes.. and many awesome moments.. and i tell myself.. “please God.. help me raise my kid right! help me raise a kid.. who doesn’t lie like there was no tomorrow. help me raise a kid who doesn’t get knock up at 16 or even 18. help me raise a kid .. who takes pride in every action she takes and most importantly help me become a friend to my kid and help me to listen .. when my kid has something to say .. every time and anytime.” Do you know what your kids are up to..?? Are you spending enough time with your kid.. so that he or she doesn’t act up and do things.. that you, yourself cannot believe it .. when seen with your own eyes. I don’t hope this day to come for anyone.. so i caution myself everyday and hope that i have the wisdom when the time comes, i’m gonna have to take some lessons from Aunt Sandra and Chloe’s kai mah eh..?

Born Rich Episode 13

I’m just done watching Born Rich Episode 12 and boy..!! it seems the tvb series.. darn slow hor..!! when are they gonna get into the real story..?? anyhow.. i’m dying to see Ep 13 tomorrow.. and you know i’ll find the episode faster than anyone.. coz’ addicted mah.. hahhaha!! leave me a comment.. if you are looking for it too.. we share, share info lah.. 🙂 sssshhhh.. donch tell anyone ok.. 🙂

Halloween 2009


Halloween 2009 was certainly different.. and *slap forehead* .. why i didn’t think of doing Halloween with my daughter.. i don’t even understand it. Every year since Chloe had been doing Halloween, it was her daddy who would drive them around.. and her babysitter would bring her trick a’ treating. But you see .. when we brought her for her rounds this year.. i wouldn’t wanna missed it ever again. The glee.. the smile.. and the joy in her face was priceless. Making money is important.. but spending special moments like these are more important.. because she isn’t gonna be 5.5 for very long.. it only comes once. So even though we were trying to buy a walk in bath by making a few extra bucks online – this is a lot more important.


She now runs up the door .. while PB and I stand back .. and watch her go .. “trick a treat!! ” and then she would say.. ” thank you !” “Happy Halloween!” Too cute to watch.. and so proud of her.


Another door and another house – i don’t think she was really interested in the candies.. i think she had so much fun .. just knocking on doors.. and saying .. “trick a treat!” .. hahahha!!


We went by to Uncle Jerry’s .. and then to Tubby’s .. and Dominic’s but he wasn’t home.. so we went across to Sarah’s .. and had fun there for a bit.


Some of the houses were decorated really good.. and the people were friendly .. and welcome the kids with open arms. You can see that not all that went trick a treating.. were kids.. some were adults as well.


House with huge eyeballs were the one that was the best dressed. And the nice lady – the owner of the house was very nice and welcoming.


Oh.. and we had to go out and buy another halloween costume for her.. because the one grammie sent back .. still smelled of smoke.. the day before Halloween. Poor Chloe.. was devastated and inconsolable till we went out to buy her a new costume.


And what did PB do.. during Halloween..?? stealing someone’s kid.. muahahhahah!!! Pinky is her nickname and she is tubby’s kid.

Born Rich Episode 11

Those wanting to watch Born Rich Ep 11, just email me.. or leave me a comment ok. I got lobang.. kekekkee!! yes.. yes..! very exciting..and kan cheong now.. is it not..?? i also like it very much.. ! so if you can’t find it yourself.. let me know.. i’ll let you know where i found it.