
Can someone tell me if taking liver really helps in replenishing blood..?? or is it just the iron in it.. the is benefiting me recently..??

Reason for this question is .. because this month my menses didn’t have alot of clots.. nor did it last very long. And i’ve been eating liver quite regularly these days. like once every week or once every 2 weeks.. with lots of ginger. I think i eat more liver now .. than i did .. when i just had chloe.. which i think would have been really good. But then .. there were no pork liver in sight then and just having a c-section.. i can’t possibly stand there and cut and cook and then washed .. so i didn’t have it. Sad huh..??

Continue reading “Liver”

Very Awake but Tired

Yes.. i’m still very awake.. and giving milk the 2nd time to the brat.. because she wanted it. Chloe is having a very bad stuffy nose.. thus she can’t sleep too well. I feel really bad… because there is so little i can do.. except to give her milk..and be there for her.. when she wakes up.. due to can’t breathe properly. I know even as an adult.. it can be quite fearful .. so i’m sure .. she is doubly frightened.. if she is encountering difficulty in breathing.

PB had gone to bed at about 2 plus.. thank God..! coz’ he needs to take the morning shift.. if i am gonna be having a long nite. I’m tired.. but i won’t be able to go to bed.. till chloe is sound asleep.. otherwise.. she would still be waking one of us up.. and breaking our sleep.. and that’s even worst.

So i’m praying she would sleep till at least 9am.. since it’s already 4am here.

Daddy & Daughter Sick

Yup..! poor PB and chloe.. both came down with a cold.. and sniffing.. and sneezing alot..!!

Chloe was a great spot today though at the store.. albeit wanting to ride her bike outside the store.. ever so often. She kept saying she wasn’t sick anymore.. but the running nose sure.. doesn’t say otherwise though. No fever or anything at the moment.. hopefully she sleeps the whole nite.. and not wake up like she did yesterday. She did wake up at 2 something.. but went back to sleep in no time.

As for PB .. well… you can see he is tired.. but he is still helping out with dishes and bottles. He claims that he is not THAT sick. Well.. i’m kinda feeling like i’m coming down with something..and nope.. it’s not good at all..!

PS : No such luck.. she woke up at 1.20am.. looking for milky.. and sniffing bad..!

Signing the X-Ray Papers

As you all know.. i had to take another x-ray .. here in town.. because my previous one in Halifax showed a certain shadow they can’t identify. So after making the appt to do it last week, i was told to come back the next day.. as the x-ray machine was out of order.

Nevermind.. i’m at their mercy.. so i didn’t say too much.. and came back the next day.. and was a good sport too. The next day.. got a call from our dear hospital here.. in this town.. and was told that the radiologist gotta see me.. before he would sign the papers for me. So the technician who took my x-ray.. cannot vouch for me..?? so the tech didn’t see my face..??
Continue reading “Signing the X-Ray Papers”

Too Smart Folks

Got a call from the X-ray department in the hospital as soon as we got into the store .. this afternoon. Apparently, the radiologist needs for me to be there.. to make sure that i was the person who took the x-ray yesterday before he would sign the papers for me.. and give me the CD. JOYYYYY..!!!!

So in other words, the technician who took my x-ray cannot vouch for me..?? that it was indeed i.. who took the x-ray yesterday..?? my photo was on that freaking piece of form you know..!! So now i have to make another trip up the hospital to get it done..?? How freaking smart is that..???

I mean sure.. they are all nice and all.. but c’mon man..!! i have things to do too.. and you are just delaying my freaking report..!! The joys of dealing with “garmen” hospital..!!

Ra-Ra with X-Ray

A quick update on my x-ray today. I went in at 12pm for my 12.20pm appt and only got to do my x-ray at 12.45pm, the x-ray was a breeze.. the technician who took my x-ray was very nice. No hassle or anything. But she wouldn’t say if there was anything unusual with my x-ray .. but i had to sign a form.. that i won’t sue them.. hahahhaha!! so strange.

So i wouldn’t know anything till next week i am guessing. So wish me luck.. and hope for the best… coz’ i won’t wanna start worrying now.. because there really ain’t anything i can do about it.

But my MIL said.. or maybe to comfort me..?? that she have had x-rays done.. and they had made her go back and do it again.. because of shadows too.. and it didn’t turn out anything bad. So that’s a comforting thought. Anyhow.. i shall definitely update everyone.. about my progress.

No X-Ray

Just a quick heads up for everyone .. i didn’t get to do my x-ray today.. because one of their machine was down.. in the hospital.. so they want me to come back tomorrow. And no.. i didn’t kick up a fuss.. afterall.. i’m at their mercy.. like when i was SOOOO pregnant with Chloe.. and they made me wait for 2 hours.. with my bladder full of water.. when i insisted to get my ultra sound done the same day .. for fear that Chloe might be breached.

So wish me luck again for tomorrow ya.. 🙂 my appt is a 12.20pm tomorrow.

You would think.. eh..??

Wrote about my x-ray taken up in Halifax on Tuesday.. and in the doc’s expertise.. it can be anything .. from TB to Cancer.. ! Now you would think .. that if he thought i had TB .. we would have seen the requisition form for another chest X-ray really quick right..?? since TB is highly contagious..!!!

But nope.. it’s Thursday here.. and no sign of that requisition in the mail… nor by fax..!! Hmmmm..!! how convinced was the doc.. about me having TB now..?? Now.. i’m highly suspicious..!!!

Oh well..!! guess he doesn’t think i’m highly contagious..?? Hmmm.. maybe not.. eh..?? Good in my opinion.. if he wasn’t in such a hurry eh..?? to quarantine me.. kkekekekke!!

Dampened Spirit?

I should.. but i am not gonna to..! Because i’m a survival..!

As you all know.. i went to Halifax for a medical check up for immigration. The doctor called this afternoon, saying that my chest x-ray came back with a shadow .. that the technicians cannot say or determined what it is. I have to go for another x-ray at another angle.. to verify .. that i do not have TB.

I was really quite confident about my medical check-up to be honest with you.. but any phone calls from the doctor.. giving you news like that.. suxs..!!

And nope.. my spirits are not dampened.. ! i’ve always been in good health..! never smoke in my life.. nor drink.. ! and for me to have TB.. i think i will prolly strike lottery first .. before that happens..! I haven’t been outta Canada.. for the last 3 yrs.. and if i have TB.. i must have gotten it here right..?? therefore if i do.. Canada.. better take care of me.. muahahhahahaha!!

Well.. i’ll wait for the doctor’s requisition to come in for another test.. and we will go from there. In the meantime.. please put in a kind word for me.. to the One up there.. please.. 😉