Just When I Thought ….

Just when I thought that everything is gonna be better from now on and easier, we found out that my father-in-law was very sick. Yes, so sick that he can’t drink the bottle of vodka that we had gotten him during Father’s Day. That was when it hit me that he was very very sick. My FIL never refused vodka – any kind to be exact for the 21 years that I’ve known him, so when he told me he cannot stomach the vodka, I knew there and then that something was really wrong. My gut feeling wasn’t good at all about it.

Fast forward, he did go to the hospital, had brain surgery for his tumor behind his head, didn’t wake up immediately but finally did, gave us a huge scare. We headed up to the city immediately to visit him, he recovered from that and came back to the hospital in town. Was doing so so well, and they discharged him and less than 10 days was back in the hospital by ambulance because he didn’t have the strength to lift himself up.

After much tests, they concluded that he had a c. difficile virus that attacked his colon. It was a wicked virus and my FIL fought the virus as best as he could. I know that till the end, he wanted to make it and he left us on the 9th August 2021.

Left Side Face Pain

I’m writing this for reference for my kid in the future – in case i’m no longer around and she is experiencing the same symptoms.

Many years ago, I experienced this pain on my left side of my face, nearer to my ears than my nose and I thought I had a toothache. After checking on my tooth, there was nothing rotting or bad at all, so I didn’t know what to think. I took lots of tylenol and advil for the longest time and it didn’t help. One day, I woke up and felt like I might have a cold coming along and took some cold tablets like Berkeley and the pain lessen. I now know that it was a sinus inflammation. Therefore, if you even have pain on the left side of your face or eyes, it may be a sinus infection and not some other thing.


So I started taking Tamoxifen a few weeks ago, as per my oncologist’s instructions. I was kinda hesitant because of all the side effects I read online. But one has gotta do what one gotta do in my case – to heal, to survive, to rid cancer from coming back.

Is Tamoxifen 100% gonna keep cancer away? I don’t really know and no one can promise me anything as per the oncologist department. But if I don’t take Tamoxifen for the next 5 years the chances of cancer coming back is higher in the risk factor. Therefore, I’ve decided to take it.

Are there any changes in my body and stuff? Not much I think except for more discharge and I don’t even know if they are related. In the meantime, I’m gonna keep an eye on everything that is going on in my body and will update everyone.

Too Much Coffee ?

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, like everyone, I wonder if I did something wrong and what was it. Could it be too much coffee with heavy cream that I have been doing for the past 1 year because I wanted to change my diet to a no sugar , no carb diet ? Or could it be the heavy cream? I do drink a lot more coffee these days and wonder and sometimes blame myself for changing my diet. But when the lump on my breast grew, I was at my healthiest weight and my AIC for my Type 2 diabetes was as low as 5.2. So what could it be?

For the past 8 months, I have been reading, I have been researching, I’ve been talking to people who’ve survived breast cancer, who are in remission but I’ve yet to come up with a conclusion as to what it is that had caused my lump to grow so big suddenly and become painful.

But then it also dawn on me that I was in denial too, because before the lump grew bigger, I had noticed specks of blood from my nipples a couple of times and had ignored it. And then my lump was uncomfy and I had been upset with my kid one time because I sense something wasn’t quite right but had pushed it at the back of my mind because we were on Covid times and my doctor was in the city.

So could I have seen it coming and felt that it wasn’t that important and that the kid and not upsetting the spouse’s business were more important? Maybe and most likely since most women and mothers are very likely to make sacrifices like that. I often wonder if I acted more quickly, could I not have had a mastectomy ? The what ifs has been on my mind a lot of late, but there is no turning back to yesterday right? So therefore, i’m only gonna move forward and not think about it but making sure that I let all my doctors know if I find anything unusual from now on. I also learned that you’ve gotta take care of yourself because no one will as no one knows how you are feeling except yourself.

As for the too much coffee? I think everything in moderation is the right thing to do and also prevention is better than cure. So to my kid and all women out there , if you are reading it, please see a doctor as soon as you feel something ain’t right – trust your gut !

Superwoman I’m Not

Nope, I ain’t no superwoman but it feels good to clean and purge the house because it is so needed. I think we accumulate too many things in our lives. And there are just too many things that we ain’t using and wasted our money on. If I could turn the clock back, maybe I would do things differently? I don’t really know but we do indulge in a lot of stuff as I can see when I’m purging. And that ain’t good. Hopefully, I’m able to change my habits and those of buying stuff for my kid because I didn’t get things I wanted when I was a kid and trying to compensate myself thru’ my kid.

Yes, I’m tired and I know I shouldn’t be doing so much (much for this instant because I’m recovering) but I can’t just sit and do nothing. Especially this lockdown , I ain’t gonna waste time like I did the last lockdown. No way … I better be useful if I didn’t have to go to work.


Yup ! we have been placed on a lockdown for 2 weeks starting 3 days ago. But I think this time we are more prepared than the last one. At least the spouse and I are trying to do things that are useful for both the home and store. And the kid started her online learning today.

The spouse started going back to work and I started cleaning and purging the house and making ourselves useful. I’m hoping that this time around, we will make use of our “free” time effectively.

Wish us luck and pray that the lockdown is only for 2 weeks.

Damn Covid Or Damn People ?

115 cases in 2 days !!! One year ago, we all were on lockdown because of Covid, you would think that ppl would smarten up but nope. When we heard that the Premier and Dr Strang were gonna go online on a Sunday, we knew that this cannot be good.

I’m surprised they are not closing schools for a while and if I were in the city, I ain’t letting my kid go to school or anywhere – that’s for sure. As we’ve heard that there may be potential exposure in our town, we ain’t letting our kid go to school already, and thus far, we’ve only heard about 1 case – confirmed here.

Folks really need to smarten up , else we will be wearing the mask and keeping 6 feet for a long, long time. I do not understand why ppl are risking their lives and those of their loved ones for a party or get – together, it is not worth it ! Ppl ! for the love of God !! please stop being silly !

The Fear Is Real

So I did not feel so well last nite at all – my lower back hurt so bad , my lymphedema seems worst and the pain wouldn’t go away. And just before i went to bed , my chest hurt so too… the place where I had my mastectomy. So of course, I immediately wonder if it had anything to do with my cancer. Could my cancer have spread to other places? Or could it have gone worst even though, the lump was taken out and the surgeon had said that the margins were good (even though I really don’t know what it meant). So yup! the fear of recurrence is real – so real – it almost scared the shit outta me.

But my fear is not unfounded as I’ve seen ppl go into remission and have seen ppl have a recurrence and fighting it again. It is not fun at all – this fear. A fear that almost makes you wanna puke. Not fun.

How do I feel this morning, somewhat normal but not all there yet? Oh, by the way, I took 2 Advil before bed hoping to get some rest. But I had all kinds of weird dreams last nite and woke up feeling not rested at all. So yes, I hear the fear never goes away once you’ve had cancer. But no I’m not gonna let my fear run my life! I’m gonna be happy! live my life to its fullest and never never give up.

So if you have friends/family recovering from Cancer, any type, be sure to help out especially around the house – with housework, even dishes – cause standing too long or sitting too much just doesn’t seem to do good for the body. Even if you think it’s something they can handle – something small, help. Even changing the trash. I hate asking for help, I feel that ppl around me should know but not true, so offer help even if it is just doing laundry, dishes, or cleaning the sink.

Searching For God At Our Convenience

Humans are weird – don’t you think. I used to make fun of a girlfriend who would go to church when she was separated from her husband years ago but when she got back together with her husband, she stopped going to church. So she conveniently forgot about God ? Or did she finished using God and had no need for him, now that she is happy again?

Well, well, little did I know, years later when I found out I had cancer, I bargain with God too, that if my biopsy wasn’t cancer, I promised to go to Church with my entire family every Sunday. I started praying too, I started reading the Daily Bread – I started seeking for God, seeking for His comfort, seeking for help.

Of course, I still had cancer, I still had to do chemo, I still had to do radiation and I still had to go thru’ all the horrid stuff but God did carry me thru’. And of course, like others, I too seek God at my convenience. I too conveniently forget to read our Daily Bread until later in the day. ( I do still get to it everyday) but I am less enthusiastic ? or has it become less important because we already made used of God for what we want?

Are all humans so selfish and only do things to benefit ourselves ? I’m trying not to be that kind of God believer. I do believe in a higher power, I do believe there is a God but I also gotta constantly remind myself, to not seek God only at my convenience and only when I need something. The Higher power isn’t there for that. So what is the Higher power there for ?

Comfort Of Home


Did you know that chinese soup are not only good for health but good for your skin as well.  It’s said that chinese soup can make your skin glow, therefore, I grew up drinking our chinese soup on a daily basis. After migrating to Canada, I haven’t been able to drink as much as I would love to because I can’t find watercress or lotus roots at all , plus chloe and PB refuses to drink them when I do happen to get some from the city.  So a whole pot of soup , takes a long time to finish.

But I’m so blessed because the Zhu’s from the chinese restaurant always gives me a few bowls when they boil some, so I don’t have to boil them or hunt for the ingredients.  So tell me I’m not lucky or what?  So I like to do stuff in return for the Zhu’s but they never want me to do anything back for them.  I’m totally blessed, comfort of home in Canada.